​August 4th-8th from 6pm-8pm
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Day 1: Creation—Our first C takes us back to the beginning of time and the creation of the universe when it was all good. Did the universe start with a big bang, or did God create it?
Day 2: Corruption and Catastrophe—Next, Adam sinned, which affected his descendants, who were so wicked that God sent a global flood as judgment for their sin.
Day 3: Confusion—The fourth C checks out the events that began at the tower of Babel. Can this be where all the people groups originated from?
Day 4: Christ and the Cross—At these stops, we realize once again that man is sinful and needs a Savior. Hallelujah, God provides one in his Son!
Day 5: Consummation—The last C shows the thrilling conclusion to history when all goes back to very good again, and—best news ever—God wins against sin and Satan.