Bringing the Light of Christ into your life and our community
Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod
God is for you.
Sometimes it feels like everyone or everything is working against you. But Jesus loves you more than anything in the world. No matter how many mistakes you've made, He's always there, loving you. You are special to Him, which means you are special to us.
God has a plan for you.
God created you and has big things in store for you. Whether you've known Him your whole life or you doubt whether Jesus is who He says he is, God has a plan for you. We'll help you figure out what that plan is and what your next steps might be.
You are welcome just as you are.
We like to think that we're "imperfect people loving imperfect people." Like you, we make mistakes and aren't perfect. Thankfully, Jesus meets us (and you!) right where we are. You don't have to "get your act together" before coming to church. No matter who you are or what you've done, you can find a place here.
Check us out from the comfort of home.
Watch one of our past services to find out more about who we are and what we believe. (Watch Now)

We’re not what you might think “church” is, or used to be. Be part of a community that supports and encourages each other; where you’re accepted as you are and equipped to make an impact in your world. Check it out. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Come, share in the Light that changes everything!

10:00 am
Children's Sunday School K-5
During church September-May
Coffee Hour/Potluck
Following the Sunday Service